Statement by the Youth Democratic Movement “Vesna” on the Introduction of Visa Bans and Other Restrictions on Visa Issuance for Russian Citizens
In August 2022, politicians in several European countries initiated discussions on banning Schengen visas for Russian citizens. Some countries have already restricted or halted the issuance of certain types of entry documents. The European Commission approved the suspension of the visa facilitation agreement with Russia starting September 12, while Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland will close their borders to Russians with tourist Schengen visas from September 19.
The “Vesna” movement opposes the ban on obtaining Schengen visas and other visa restrictions for Russians. Here’s why:
1. Visa restrictions will harm opposition activists, journalists, and public figures facing danger in Russia.
Tourist visas are currently the most accessible way to leave the country and seek protection in EU countries. They are actively used by those persecuted in Russia for political reasons, and a visa ban would drastically reduce their chances of escaping imprisonment, torture, and even death.
Viable alternatives are virtually nonexistent: the humanitarian visa system functions inconsistently, as neither the legislative nor technical framework is prepared for it. Traveling to the EU via third countries and obtaining a visa there, meanwhile, entails significant financial costs, which many cannot afford.
2. Visa restrictions will not increase protest activity in Russia or contribute to ending the war, as proponents of these measures suggest.
Only 30% of Russian citizens have valid foreign passports, and even fewer can afford to travel to Europe. Thus, visa restrictions will have no impact on the vast majority of Russians. Instead, they will create additional risks for those fighting against the war and dictatorship, who already face criminal prosecution and extrajudicial reprisals in Russia.
It is also important to consider that Russian society is under the control of a military dictatorship that uses strict censorship and repression to suppress pluralism and civil activism. Citizens have no means of directly influencing political decisions in Russia. The visa ban will not change this reality and, therefore, will not significantly affect protest activity or hasten the end of the war.
3. The concept of a visa ban contradicts the liberal principles declared by EU countries.
The war in Ukraine is a terrible tragedy, not just for European countries but for the entire world. Nevertheless, even in the most challenging times, we call for adherence to liberal values and insist that they must always remain a priority.
We urge the simplification of existing procedures for obtaining humanitarian visas and political asylum for Russian dissidents, while maintaining the opportunity to receive tourist visas.
We also call on the European community to consider other measures that are far more likely to bring about the end of the war in Europe:
— We support the sanctions proposal list, “List 6000,” published on April 26, 2022, by Alexei Navalny’s team.
“Vesna” advocates for personal sanctions against officials, oligarchs, and propagandists directly responsible for establishing the dictatorial regime in Russia and fueling the war with Ukraine. The costs of collaboration with the regime must drastically outweigh the benefits of loyalty to Putin.
— We call on the international community to recognize Vladimir Putin as a war criminal.
Investigations by independent human rights organizations and journalists have confirmed numerous war crimes committed by the Russian army, led by Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin, on Ukrainian territory. These include mass killings, the torture of prisoners of war, and the destruction of peaceful cities and towns.
We believe this constitutes sufficient grounds to recognize Vladimir Putin as a war criminal at the international level and to organize a tribunal against him.
— We urge European countries to swiftly phase out purchases of Russian resources and find replacements.
Accelerating the embargo on Russian oil and gas would significantly impact the Russian budget, which is funding the war.
We believe that only such comprehensive measures — and not a ban on visas for ordinary Russians — can lead to the swift restoration of peace on our continent and enhance European security.