On April 11, the State Duma passed a law that radically changes the rules for military conscription for both conscripts and mobilized individuals: it will no longer be possible to avoid receiving a draft notice, leaving the country will become impossible, and “evasion” may lead to the loss of certain (including constitutional) rights.
On April 12, the Federation Council approved the bill. After President Putin signs it and it is published, it will come into force. The “Vesna” movement breaks down what is known about the new rules, how conscripts should act, and who can help.
Who is affected by the new rules, and when do they come into effect? The new rules apply to all military personnel, including both conscripts and those being mobilized. Mobilization has not yet been completed – there is no presidential order. So, the threat of its implementation under the new rules remains real.
The new rules will come into effect immediately upon the publication of the bill – that is, after President Putin signs it. The law also emphasizes that the new rules will come into effect even before the exploitation of new informational resources (databases). However, the authorities assure that this spring’s conscription will not be affected (we don’t believe them).
Military Registration Database: Russia will create a digital military registration database connected to “Gosuslugi” (a state services platform). Military enlistment offices will manage it. The database can be updated without a person’s personal presence. Through this system, conscripts can be remotely assigned to reserves, from which they can be called up during mobilization.
Additionally, there will be (the exact timing is unknown) a “public draft registry.” Seven days after sending a draft notice via registered mail, it must appear in this registry and will be considered “served” (even if you haven’t signed for it or haven’t seen it). This registry will also provide the date of dispatch and the date when you must report to the enlistment office.
Draft Notices and Gosuslugi Account: Draft notices will now legally be sent via registered mail and electronically through “Gosuslugi.” The draft notice will be considered served if delivered via registered mail with a signature. The electronic notice will be considered served “once it is placed in the citizen’s personal account.”
As already mentioned, a draft notice will be considered served after seven days from the date of dispatch and once placed in the “draft registry.” This effectively means there will be no way to avoid receiving a notice, and deleting your “Gosuslugi” account seems pointless.
Going to the Enlistment Office and Failure to Report: Once your draft notice (for example, for a document check) is considered “served,” you will be prohibited from leaving the country until you report to the enlistment office. No court decision will be required for this — the enlistment office can impose it, but it can be contested in court.
If you fail to report to the enlistment office within 20 days of the specified date, the enlistment office will impose a number of temporary restrictions: you may be prohibited from driving a car, taking out loans, buying or selling real estate, etc. A list of restrictions and the process for appealing can be found with the “Military Ombudsman.”
Court Appeals for Conscription: You can still challenge the conscription, but now an appeal to a higher conscription commission or a court will not automatically suspend the conscription commission’s decision. You will need to request preliminary protective measures. However, they may still send you to serve before the court applies these measures (if they apply them at all).
More about the appeal procedure can be found at the “Conscription School.” Officials say that complaints can be filed via “Gosuslugi,” but it’s better not to rely on this option and to seek a deferment or demand alternative civilian service (AGS) in advance.
Alternative Civilian Service: The right to refuse military service on grounds of conscience remains (it is guaranteed by the Constitution). This is a difficult path, but it can help those who cannot leave the country and have no legal grounds for a deferment.
More about AGS is available in our mobilization guide and on the “Conscription to Conscience” coalition’s website: agsnowar.info.
Contract Service: Previously, contracts could be signed with servicemen, reservists, and conscripts who had served for at least three months, as well as with people over 18 with higher or secondary professional education. The new amendments removed these restrictions from the military service law – now a contract can be signed right after school.
The obvious advice: don’t sign a contract, as it guarantees deployment to war. Moreover, breaking it will be difficult or nearly impossible (such cases have been reported by the media).
Leaving the Country: Leaving the country is the most reliable way to protect yourself from conscription. You will have only seven days from the date of dispatch and the moment your draft notice appears in the “draft registry” to leave the country. After that, you will be prohibited from leaving.
Who Can Help with Leaving and Where to Find Information: We recommend contacting “Kovcheg” and reading the “Guide on How to Leave Russia,” as well as checking out “Holod’s” guide on emergency emigration.
Human Rights Organizations: If you need help, you won’t be alone. Contact “Conscription to Conscience” (they also have a hotline and a generator of court claims for conscription cases via the “I Won’t Go” bot), the “Conscription School,” the “Conscientious Objectors Movement” (pay special attention to the movement’s catalog of materials).
You can also contact the conscript and servicemen’s hotline “Military Ombudsman”: @ombudsman_help_bot (this project has launched a separate hotline for questions about changes in draft notice legislation).
What Else Is Important? It’s important to know your rights and to defend them. Learn who is eligible for deferment and how to get it. Find out how to challenge conscription decisions. Prepare all your documents in advance, including powers of attorney. Fight for your rights — and there’s a chance to win!
Find detailed guides, instructions, and tips here:
“Conscription to Conscience,” “Conscription School,” “Conscientious Objectors Movement,” “Soldiers’ Mothers of St. Petersburg,” “Military Ombudsman,” “Real Army,” “Go to the Forest,” “Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia Union.”
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