How to Break the Spiral of Silence and Strengthen the Anti-War Movement

In the four months since the invasion and the start of the anti-war campaign in Russia, much has changed. Most forms of protest that we mentioned in our first anti-war campaign plan as safe have now been deemed “illegal.”

The authorities have banned the word “war,” significantly restricting free speech. Protests have disappeared. The list of political prisoners has grown with new names. Our movement, which operated for over nine years within the framework of the Russian Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights, has absurdly been labeled an “NGO infringing on citizens’ rights” in a fabricated criminal case.

Why is the war still ongoing?

Against this bleak backdrop, a discussion has begun among anti-war activists about the future strategy of resistance. Over these four months, we have assessed our resources and realized that this war will not end soon. The anti-war campaign is not a short sprint but a marathon.

We must understand that the war will continue as long as the Kremlin perceives its benefits to outweigh its costs. A plausible hypothesis suggests that this war was conceived as a quick and easy way to boost Putin’s ratings ahead of the 2024 elections. Putin’s strategists believed Kyiv could be captured swiftly and almost without resistance, recreating the so-called “Crimean consensus”—a “small victorious war” to ensure a smooth re-election for the president.

Our current goal: preventing the authorities from deceiving the public. We must communicate to people that this war goes against their interests, steals the future from children and youth, and deprives middle-aged and older generations of any hope for a dignified old age. We need to show that instead of a “small victorious war,” the Kremlin has unleashed a grinder that not only kills Ukrainian citizens but also Russian soldiers—leaving children orphaned, wives widowed, and elderly parents without support.

Our task is to create an anti-war majority in society. While we live under an authoritarian regime, our experience with public campaigns shows that when a majority of citizens adopt a particular view, positive political consequences follow: governors resign, scandalous projects are canceled, and the authorities attempt to placate the public. Although this may seem impossible in the context of war, we are only at the beginning of this journey.

On this path, we must overcome three primary obstacles: the spiral of silence, the depoliticization of society, and learned helplessness. We recently wrote about learned helplessness and will soon discuss depoliticization—why it matters and how to overcome it.

For now, let’s focus on breaking the spiral of silence.

One of the key strategies of authoritarian regimes is to create the illusion that alternative opinions are scarce and marginal. The regime seeks to drown out dissenting voices through repressive laws, arrests, searches, and criminal cases. Speaking out becomes dangerous, and dissent grows quieter.

Others notice this and fall silent as well. The spiral tightens. It begins to appear as though everyone agrees with the government’s position. Those who are undecided increasingly adopt conformist attitudes and align themselves with this imagined majority.

It’s essential to show the truth: there are many of us.

The first solution that comes to mind is organizing protests. Early on, we also called for participation in protests. We still support street demonstrations but believe that every tactic must be used wisely.

Having studied the dynamics of street actions and assessed our resources, we, along with other anti-war initiatives, have concluded that before announcing new protests, we must build the infrastructure to support them. Protests are not the ultimate goal. We want these actions to be massive, which means creating conditions where the anti-war movement can convince a far larger number of people to participate.

What Can I Do?

1. Spread the word about anti-war initiatives. Invite your friends to follow them on social media and share their content. (Meduza has a great guide listing many such initiatives). Of course, we especially encourage you to share Vesna’s social media channels.

2. Persuade your family and friends. Use these argument guides (link 1, link 2, link 3) to help them understand. Encourage them to follow independent media (Meduza, Novaya Gazeta Europe, and others) and show them how they can influence the situation (e.g., by sending appeals to deputies).

3. Send appeals to deputies demanding an end to the war. You can do this through our online platform “Impeachment 2.0.”

4. Join the “Visible Protest” and campaign against the war. Post flyers and stickers, paint graffiti, or distribute green ribbons. Learn how to join through our guide.

Remember: The free, democratic, and humanistic Russia we strive for will not build itself. Achieving change and reform is up to us. We will never succeed unless we recognize our responsibility, unite, and fight for our future.

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